Pro-Pain (VO)

interview Pro-PainInterview with JC Dwyer.

1 - To start off could you present the band/musicians for those who don't know about Pro-Pain yet?
Sure thing. On vocals and Bass, of course, is Gary Meskil. He's what you might call "the founder of the feast". On Lead Guitar, here from pretty much the very beginning, is Tom Klimchuck. On Rhythm Guitar, for I think eight years now, is Eric Klinger. I'm JC Dwyer, I play drums. I'm the newest member, with three years under my belt now.

2 - You are an experimented band now, over a decade of work, you recorded almost one album per year, where do you get such an inspiration?
Musically, it's hard to say. Inspiration is a wierd thing. If you think too much about where it comes from, it might go away. We just keep doing what we do. The desire to always improve on what the band has done before plays a big role, I think. You have to always try to "one-up" yourself.

3 - In your lyrics what are the topics you like to approach?
The lyrics are a different story. Gary writes all of them, and they'll usually go one of two ways: Sometimes he writes from a more personal stance, about life through his eyes, I guess. Sometimes he
interview Pro-Pain writes more about what's going on in the world around us. He's really on top of things in that realm. There's no shortage of bad things goin' on in our World today, so there's plenty of subject matter.

4 - On your last album Prophets of Doom which was released last year, the artwork is quite original, who got the idea of this traditionnal african mosaic?
I think Gary tracked that down somewhere.

5 - You toured with major bands like Kreator, Vader, Entombeb etc... any good stories or good memories to tell us?
Entombed were a great bunch of guys to tour with. The first night of our tour together, in New York City, L.G. gets on the mic and says "Good evening, New York City....we're here to drink your beer.....ALL OF IT!!!!" And that's pretty much what happened on that tour. Between Us, Crowbar, Entombed, and The Mighty Nimbus, there were good times all around.

6 - Are you working on a new album? What would be the evolution of your music?
Well, we're tryin' to figure that out right now, as a matter of fact!! The challenge is to move along, as I said, kinda "one-up" what we've done before, but still retain that core PRO-PAIN vibe. We're in th
interview Pro-Paine early writing stage now, figuring out what direction to take things in.

7 - Let's talk about your next tour, I guess you must be very excited to hit the european roads?
Hell yeah, man!! We love touring over here. The crowds are so receptive. They LOVE heavy music!!

8 - You will be touring with Undertow and Dryrot, how did the connection happen with these bands?
Honestly, I don't handle that department. That's Gary's end of things. But I'm really lookin' forward to meeting them. We always have great luck with getting really cool support bands.

9 - Will there be any surprise on stage like covers, new songs ?
Well, if I told ya' it wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it?

10 - Our traditionnal question: what is for you the true Spirit of Metal?
Heavy Riffs and a Slammin' Beat!!!!! After that, everything else is gravy.

11 - Thank you very much for taking time to answer this interview, i wish you a very succesful tour accross Europe, good luck and all the best.
Last words are yours...

Get your ass out to the Shows, man!! You don't wanna miss what we're gonna deal out!!

Interview done by Metzly

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