
Released date:

Lubrification de Fortune

Album, 2015, Self-Released

Penissatan : Lubrification de Fortune


1. Holding the Balls of the Saints
2. Sacrifice
3. Cryptozoophilia
4. Fucked by Goat Entrails
5. Douglas Is a Lie
6. My Raven Shits on Your Church
7. Penissatan
8. Mistr Loutky
9. Satan Forgive Us
10. Jesus Was an Exceptionnal Fisherman
11. Made in Devil
12. Prípad Protože
13. Tu Ne Tueras.
14. Possibility
15. Reverberation of Lucifer
16. Leviatemptation
17. Nealkoholický
18. I Will Drink Your Blood Like Beer
19. Kill by the Name of God
20. Zacíná Za Dvacet Minut
21. Belzebuth Atomic War
22. Asian Psychedelic Toxic Possession
23. Gospel of Darkness

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The Sick Goat Rape

Album, 11 September 2016, Self-Released

Penissatan : The Sick Goat Rape


1. Sick Goat Rape Part.I
2. Skalnatý
3. Okra Baktat Gombos Bamija
4. Athazagoraphobia
5. Behold the Mighty Scabbard of Satan's Cock
6. When the End Begin
7. Decybelphegor (ft. Skollopendre & JJ Satan)
8. Balls for Spag (ft. SPA Ghetto)
9. Kořist Pro Zlatorog Rohy
10. Sick Goat Rape Part II
11. Vitesse Tristesse
12. Saints Give Me the Pain
13. Chci Disciplínu
14. Je Vais Te Casser Ton Petit Ange
15. Segway to Hell
16. Wall of Broken Mirrors (ft. Pötöröth & Tristan Vargain)
17. Iced Scream
18. Den of Genetic Curse
19. Hovno Svou Lenost(ft. Erocdrah)
20. Hazard War Black Metal Still Lives
21. Go Fuck Yourself Devin Townsend
22. Feasting Near the Womb of Maria (ft. Hectoplasma)
23. New Deadly Sins
24. Nihilisme Prosélyte
25. Lashram's Depths
26. Shodou Okolností
27. Surrounded by Small Bats (ft. Bleeding Dick Confetti & Tougrass)
28. Ulceros Pepticus
29. Phimosis
30. Pemphigus Sirupeux
31. Sick Goat Rape Part III
32. Through Blind Eyes I've Seen Lucifer
33. 49 23 057 N 1 06 000 E
34. Mighty Scream Trapped in Napalm
35. Chevre
36. Ziege
37. Goat
38. Koza
39. Satan's Church Insurection
40. L'Ascension (Pierre par Pierre, Roche par Roche)
41. Konec Příběhu Nádherným
42. Sick Goat Rape Part IV

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