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Biography : Wassat

Wassat is the name of a tiny constellation situated in the middle of the Gemini constellation, and was for a long time considered as a star.

Wassat recorded his first album in 2006. 'Reaktor' is the first chapter of a concept: the story of a man taken in a far future against his will. The musical style of the album is refering to a large sens of metal, with different atmospheres: black, death, electro...

The idea of Wassat was born in the late 2005, as R. Kat. started to write lyrics and songs in order to create a metal project influenced by many styles. Then, with a line of riffs he enrols Anouchka, and Jerome Kraft (Yskorcen) and Sebastien (ex-Monegarn, ex-Aeon Vortex).

Source : http://www.wassat.fr.cc/