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Biography : Urgrund

The Saga thus far...

Urgrund…an ancient, indomitable force knowing neither boundary nor peer, realised and unleashed through the medium of destructively heavy, war thrash, with roots in Old German Death, Black metal and the traditional metal style. Ideologically Urgrund exalts heathen irreverence and defiance in all its forms: barbarism and the glorification of destruction/war (essential to rebirth and evolution). Lyrical topics include the studies of historic facts, Antichristian-ism, survival of the fittest, heathenism, existence, philosophy, war and death.

Urgrund was founded in the year 1998 by Bolthorn. Necrovore and Gryphon joined to combine something to defy trends and shred some heavy power chordz. The demo recording "In Apocalyptic Ruins...A Rebirth" was released in 1999 and is no longer available, "Warlore" 7" EP was recorded in July 1999 (Bleed Records, limited. to 200), the follow-up, came forth soon after. (RHFiendsickness joins to handle second guitar and vocal parts)."Drenched in Blood" MCD was recorded/mixed June 2000 (French label Spikekult Records, limited 500 copies), brings the first two years of Urgrund together, containing the four tracks from the 7" as well as a re-recording of the demo's malicious title track. Thothamon joins the ranks to replace Gryphon for thunder. Urgrund rounded up 2000 with the recording of their debut full-length album, "The Graven Sign" (released February 2002 on Baphomet Records), taking both the raw, beserker aggression and anthemic war cries in one. Live dates alongside some of Australia's better extreme acts served to reinforce Urgrund's reputation as one of the most destructive and heaviest bands.

Fiendsickness leaves band in the summer of 2002. Gryphon returns mid 2002 to handle battery but leaves September 2003. Other members joined for live and recording efforts during 2003; Miasmr (lead guitar) and Eigi-ein-hamr (bass and backing vox). From this line-up the "Battle skin 7" EP was produced. “Unchangeable Fate”, the second full-length is released in June 2005, which features the now Melbourne line-up, and was recorded November/December 2004. This being another monumental effort of thrashin' black/death inspired in yer fist metal...consisting of dark elements and war torn imagery/disaster.

Marching on as a 4 piece consisting of R.Bolthorn, C.Volcano (Abominator/ex-Destroyer666), L.Vagrant and H.Trench Hell (Trench hell/ex-Carbon), Urgrund will concentrate on studio work and possible live assaults.

Source : http://www.urgrundheathens.cjb.net/