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Biography : Unsu

UNSU is a 4 piece-band from Lille (North of France) created in 2009 with ex- or present members of Trepan’Dead & Purify, join in 2013 by a new

singer (ex-Goryptic) with the aim to produce a mix of aggressive voices, blasting and grooving drums and powerful guitars.

Once the line-up had been settled, the band started composing and began, at the same time, to acquire experience by making gigs and festivals.

Always bearing in mind our desire to forge ahead, we’ve decided to fix the foundation of our way and style thru' the recording of our first Ep « Moral

Distortion » on Douchebag Records in april 2010, which took us only two days. We’ve tried to create songs as raging, blasting and headbanging

as possible with a raw and powerful sound.

During the spring of 2011, a new recording session took place and 12 new trax were born. Half of them were out on a split with frenchies freaks Atara

« Grindcore is a violent drug » (Douchebag Records) in September 2011. The remaining trax were used for the second Ep « The filthy » (Kaotoxin

Records) in march 2012.

Following this, we appear on « In Grindo Veritas » (Kaotoxin Comp') in april 2013 and we put out « Monsters », a six way split with Total Fucking

Destruction, Department Of Correction, C.O.A.G., Miserable Failure and Infected Society (Kaotoxin Records) in april 2014.

Since we started, we have been playing for lots of gigs in Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, The Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland,

Slovakia and The United Kingdom on many pubs, basements, squats or fests and sharing the stage with many bands including Rotten Sound,

Mumakil, Wormrot, Inhumate and many many others.

UNSU comes back in 2014 with a new line-up and the first album K.I.A.Ï (Kill Icons And Idiots) on a DIY way to combine savage blasts of raw noise

with healthy lashing of big fat grooves.

K.I.A.Ï (Kill Icons And Idiots) is like accurate blows of a Ronin, with bated breath followed by the fighting shout (Kiaï – projection of 'internal' strenght),

like a gathering of clouds before a thunderstorm (Unsu – Cloud Hand),

Source : Unsu