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Biography : Subliminal Crusher

Subliminal Crusher, like every thing or concept that exists but there isn't, like an illness that breaks out of your wellness, like an imposition you have heard of but nobody has ever given, like an imperceptible melody that enters and slaughters you because it stays in your mind.
We propose our "modus vivendi", determination and energy, providing our picture of existence! Our songs talk about the reality of each day, about what is shown from the faces of the people we meet, we sing about life that flows places side by side.

The Subliminal Crusher project started in the winter of 2002, from an idea of Jerico and Rodeath, with the aim to throw their thrash souls in songs with lyrics in English language, in parallel with the full Italian Project S.R.L.. The intention was carried on with the entrance of Elvys and his distortion, after that the first arrangements were realized. In the spring of 2003, Tooz the howler joins the band. After the writing of his thoughts the band entered the recording studio for its first demo: Life Drought. From 2003 to 2007, the lineup was completed by HatewerK.

After a devastating run of live dates (together with bands such as Sadus, Dismember, Necrodeath, Destroyer666, The Defaced, Vomitory, Entombed), on September 2005 Subliminal Crusher give birth to their 1st full-length for NewLM Records, Antithesis, distributed in Italy by Masterpiece.

Source : Official Website