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Biography : Sorg Innkallelse

"S o r g I n n k a l l e l s e" in a cold & snowy winters day in the year 2004 started .Every thing began to take shape following the discussion .

We started working with recording one "Demo" in 72 hours .We came across many problems & there was no suitable recording studio available ; therefore we managed to do our recording by using a P.C at home in cold spiritless place & depressing environment ; ( deep internal sorrow & endless pain for many years that existed with our being ) . Our demo recording provided an step stone & necessary experience for our future work . The demo was distributed & released in form of underground & general feedback was very promising an exiting .

Less than 3 months we started recording our first album "Black Pest" ; ( this was an album which was result of our feeling ) ; the band found own structure . this time we come across other problem such as poor sound recording ; we had to work very hard in such a short time ; in total of 5 day the album became complete & was released in form of underground .

Less than 2 months later we started recording the second album "Let The Ancient Flames Burn" ; ( internal sorrow will be endless ) . this time all the recording process was completed & successful & this album was released in form of underground too .

And next album "The Everlasting Path" was very promising for us and it is releasing in underground form ; (another experience resulting from sorrow dominant on our soul & flesh.... )

And our next album "Despondence" was recorded & its result of our depressed thought ; ( Despondence and narration of grieve battle .... )

The next album its called "Through The Mist Of Dreary " recorded in the year 2006 and its releasing in form of underground ( harmony of wrath and sorrow )

The new album "Rise Of The Shadows" released by "HEXENREICH RECORDS" ; its so cold and different album

Source : http://www.sorginnkallelse.com/biography.htm