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Biography : Perpetual Fire

1999 -The meeting
The band born in 1999 with the name of “Abyss”. The founder is Steve Volta (Pandaemonium) which wants to start a band that can fuse the attitude of Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force with influences from power-metal bands like Stratovarius, Angra and Symphony X.
Steve starts to write songs with a singer whose name is Marco Sivo (Time Machine, Valas) and after a few time they record a demo.
When the drummer Ricky Sedda and the bassist Nevio Prog join Steve and Marco, the name of the band changes in "Steve's flames". With this formation they play three concerts before splitting with the just entered rhythmic section..
2000 - New guys
Steve and Marco find a new rhythmic section formed by the drummer Lucio Pozzoli and the bassist Amedeo Dalla Zia (Arkenemy). With this formation they start working on new material.
Due to personal reasons Marco leaves the band and a new singer takes his place.
2001 - The 2nd hit
The name changes to "Fireside": Steve, Lucio , Amedeo and Roby Beccalli, the new singer, record a new demo called "Underfire Boys", but Steve and Roby have a bad feeling about this work because it sounds too old.
For this reason they decide to write new songs and to record another demo with the help of technology.
2002 - The 3rd take
The new drummer is a Korg X3 programmed by Steve who also plays bass, the
third demo is called "Castle of my soul". Mixed and mastered by Frank Andiver at Zenith Studio, "Castle of my soul" is a power metal scream that brings the band in the right direction.
2003 - Human's revenge
Steve and Roby work hard and, after a while, they make a ten songs promo called "Fireside". Some good reviews come out, but they need a real band to aspire something more!
Drummer Steve Addis and bassist Mark Zampetti join the band.
2004 - It's time to make a full length CD!
Steve finally decides to produce himself its own record. In the last times he had sound-engineered many records and he feels ready to make a full length CD just with the help of his band mates.
Steve Addis starts recording drum on February and so on until the end of may. When they have all the tracks recorded Steve and Roby start mixing. It's an hard work that bring them to December.
2005 - Welcome to PERPETUALFIRE
After some mental ills Steve comes out with a new band name: PERPETUALFIRE. Now they are ready to land into the real world of heavy metal with the CD "Endless World”.
Steve Addis leaves the band and Federico Ria (Pandaemonium, Skylark) takes his place.
ADRENALINE RECORDS listen the CD and sign the band.

Source : http://www.perpetualfire.net/band2.php