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Biography : Odyssey Dawn

Every journey starts with a single step, and every odyssey has its dawn. Formed by Alex Madrid and Kevin Aguilar, Odyssey Dawn became a reality on March 16th, 2011, after evolving through various musical stages. With an arsenal of material and a hunger for expression and recognition, Odyssey Dawn is a musical force to be reckoned with. Fast riffs and melodic twists, combined with fiery sociopolitical lyrics is what sets this band apart. Their songs are a battle cry, acting as a megaphone so that those who feel marginalized can speak loudly without fear of persecution.
Odyssey Dawn has many key influences such as Megadeth, Blind Guardian, Opeth, Rush, Testament and Alice in Chains, but the bands power is its eccentricity. Odyssey Dawn is a band that fears no genre and sees nothing as black or white, but considers themselves voyagers of ambiguity, where the truth can take many forms. Whether Odyssey Dawn reaches its destination as the kings of heavy metal or not remains to be seen, but the journey for these California Metalheads has only just begun.

Source : http://www.facebook.com/odysseydawnband