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Biography : Murder Corporation

Murder Corporation (Sweden) was formed in November '95. When three of the original members of Deranged (http://surf.to/deranged) wanted another band to raise hell with, ex-bassist Dan Bengtsson asked a long time friend (Jens Johansson) to hook up with them as their voice of terror. Jens, originally from Mega Slaughter had already an LP released on Trash Records back in 89. And with that the rest is as they say, history, bloody history!
Only three weeks after the actual formation of the band, the murdering, nassacaring, maniacal corporation entered studio to record their debut release, a five song mini CD entitled 'Blood Revolution 2050' which was released by Qabalah Productions. Six month later, the band recorded their second release, a six song mini CD simply entitled 'Kill!' on Planet End Records [Editor's comment: Sublabel of Regain Records]. They parted ways with Jens when he decided to move back to Gothenburg, his hometown and the band, in turn found Johan Anderberg as a replacement. Both recording received remarkably great response throughout the worldwide death metal scene. The people's faith renewed, wants that ol' mean and brutal metal that once ruled supreme.

The year 1997, is when things started happening for the band. They recorded several 7" singles, splits and the likes and a full length CD! The line up changed again this time as Dan Bengtsson is kicked out of the band and Johan Anderberg, gained an instrument, the bass.

Eventhough the band consists of the same members of Deranged, don't even think that they are just another one of those run of the mill project band you'd get out there. These guys malicously murder under the influences of bands like Repulsion, Massacre, Kiss, Nucleas Assault, Autopsy, Cryptic Slaughter and Death Angel just to mention a few.

Currently, the band signed to Psychic Scream is scheduled to release a full-length collection CD including their previously unreleased track entitled 'Whole Lotta Murder Goin On' this February, plus a few more splits and a brand new full-length album in July. Fact is, Murder Corporation are one heavy motherfucking trio which will continue on to massacre the masses.

Editor's comment: The band has since signed a three album deal with the American label Necropolis Records just to break up in June of 2002. The members have started a new band called Killaman with Rune from Reclusion on vocals. They recorded a demo in August of 2002.