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Biography : Eichenschild

In that time......

In that time our name was still Smokers Corner, which was a schoolband in which we all played, mostly any song we liked from Metallica, Guns and Roses and Nirvana. But already in that time we were interested in the myths and legends of medieval times.Above that, several of the band members were very interested in all kinds of roleplays.

So, it was a logical thing to combine both and try to translate these themes into musik. In the fall of 1998 we began slowly to compose our first songs, and named our band after a figure from J.R.R Tolkien's novel "The small Hobbit": Thorin Oakenshield

Guitar, Vocals, Bass and Drums were our first instrumental line-up, but not long afterward the Bagpipe and the Flute followed. Two long years with lots of trial and error and very few actual gigs followed, before we could finally release our first, self produced, CD, "Mondscheinlegende". A whole set of selfproduced albums have since followed.

Translated from German by Gletscherwolf

Source : http://www.eichenschild.com/frame.html