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Biography : Carnal Grief

It all began on a cold, dark and windy night in the forgotten town of Arboga, Sweden. A punkband called Powerpig had seen it´s most glorius days when the drummer Johan Lindgren and bassplayer Johan Olsen suddenly got a strong vision (or a prophecy if you will). It´s unclear what exactly happened that night but one thing is for certain, they knew they where going to mold something even more glorius than anything that had previusly stod up straight on the face of the earth.

They started recruiting soldiers for this new alliance of musical warfare (which was nameless at the moment). They soon teamed up with guitarist Johan Larsson (also a former PowerPig member). Because Lindgren originaly was a guitarist by trade he decided to take the place as the second guitarist and this is where the drum virtuoso Henrik Brander comes into the great picture.

Later a good friend of ours (the members at the time) from the local band DisgraceD told us he had heard the romours of the fall of PowerPig (R.I.P.) and he asked us if we had any new plans and little did he know about what the future would hold. We told him about this new horde of musical savants we where gathering and he asked us if we needed a vocalist... It then stood clear that the circle of perfection was completed. We then decided to name the band Carnal Grief.

Even though most people consider us flawless and imortal nowadays, that has not always been the case. We have had our fair share of struggle, released a bunch of crappy demos (the production was crappy, NOT THE SONGS!!!), sent them to the wrong labels (mainstream Britney Spears kind of labels), got a few decent reviews in some fanzines, apeared on some compilition cd:s and all that typical nonsense that every struggling band goes throught... until one day.

We had just heard the news that our guitarist Johan Larsson felt unworthy of beeing in the band, we had asked Magnus Andersson to replace him, when J. Lindgren got the bands second vision, somewhere in Asia there was this label who knew the world needed a band like us. He then sent a demo to an Malaysian label whom was interested... But a lack of funds and struggle with recordings made that interest fade away. We had come so close... but had yet so far to go.

Magnus insanity grew beyond recognition and we had to let him go for the sake of everyone involved. It was then we stumbled upon the speed demon Per Fransson to fill the opening we had for our second guitar. Jonas had gone through the scrolls which Lindgren had written down the prophecys about Carnal Grief when he realised the Malaysian Label wasn´t the right one. He whent into his cellar and grabbed and ancient atlas (book of maps) and started frenetecly looking for other countries in Asia and found China and the city of HongKong.

It wasn´t long until Jonas found what he was looking for... a Label in HongKong! He sent a promopackage to the label (Trinity Records) and what followed was inevetuable. A couple of month later the contract was signed, the recordings and artwork was finished and the cd:s in for printing. After all the hard work we can finaly share this reeking of melodic and heavy metal-influenced deathmetal, including ripping solos, roaring vocals, inhuman battering and intergalactic baseplaying, all together bringing the genre to a new dimension. We entitled the work "Out of crippled seeds".

From www.swedishmetal.net