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Biography : Brutal Execution

Long time ago, the guitarist of the Brutal Execution(BE)wanted to make a band, which will have more brutality than sound quality..
So he met a growler - a black metal master - Jolkin who was trained by the best Tibetian growling monks. But when once Jolkin got drunk and he was kicked out of growltemple for killing a monk and eating he's liver and kidney, so he moved to Latvia. There he met Grabeklis witch where trained by best guitar players from all over the world. And he met Tomass - a violin player who plays classical music and listen to Vivaldi ... And soon the group where playing in Jolkin's apartment and it rocked ass!
The first song was Masturblaster-9000 witch had bad quality..
But with time they experienced more.. With drinking,smoking,and killing local Urlas, they became popular within radius of Latvia.. The group has only one problem - drummer... And since there aren't drummers in Riga who can do the Blast Beat, they have drummachine but maybe some day there will be a golden drummer in top of a mountain that can do the blast beat!