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Biography : Armory (USA-2)

Armory's story:........ goes way back. September of 2005 to be exact. Three people in a middle school guitar class, Albert, Johnathan and Ivan, met and realized their music was similar if not exactly the same. After months of jamming and playing at the school, these guys decided they had something good going. With their early influences like Metallica, Slayer and Iron Maiden and everything that they had learned, they decided to put together a band. Ivan had wanted to play bass before guitar, Johnathan was getting better at guitar, and Albert loved singing his lungs out. So the basis of Armory was formed.

Freshman year in high school. We realize that we need a drummer. Johnathan decides to teach his cousin Art how to play the drums so that we could bring him into the band. During ninth grade we had the misfortune of running into one of the most hated people on the face of the earth, Manny. We wanted to be a five-piece and he was into "metal" and was in chorus. So why not bring him in? And we did. Big Mistake. We tolerated months of pure obnoxious, self-centered attitude of a singer who seemed to only make us look worse by the day. So we ditched him. The summer of 2007, Armory records a few rough tracks. One or two originals that have been passed away. But it was a start. We went through a time where practice was very limited due to personal issues.

2008 comes along and Albert decides to part ways with Armory. He still remains a friend to the band, just not a player. So a search began for a new guitar player and possibly singer. We ask a friend of ours, Jay, to come jam with us to see how it sounded. It sounded good. Practicing space was becoming more available to us and ideas were just popping out of nowhere. Thanks to our friend Allen, we were able to get a few more rough tracks up. Enough to get other band's attention and to get invited to gigs. So now we get to the present. Armory just finished recording 2 new songs and is practicing to perfect ones we already have. We are developing ourselves as musicians and trying to find bigger, better gigs. And a special thanks to two people: Albert and Allen. If it wasn't for Albert's early ideas, we wouldn't be the band we are. Allen (The Soul Slayer), has been our computer guy since the beginning of time. He has recorded us and made our flyers.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/enterthearmory