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Biography : Anamnesia

Form E in 2004 on the ashes of HalfSide, ANAMNESIA develops music much more ambitious and more violent. Coming from different backgrounds, the musicians and their terrifying mixture of influences opt for a hybrid metal riffs sepulturesques borrowing and heavy rhythms interspersed with chorus and lyric passages of calm, clear and consistent contrasts that fos unique personality of the group.

Anamnesia or history ... Beyond the liturgical significance or medical, it is primarily the inability to forget that defines the universe of the group, this evocation of a memory with nothing we have prepared. The texts focus on romanticized memory reminiscence evoke different emotions called primitive : Anger, joy, hatred, pleasure, pain ...

In spring 2005 ANAMNESIA recorded a first demo " The One "with 5-6 tracks him to find some concerts and radio parts. A year later, the group decided to record his first album 12 tracks Brakes ""www.spirit-of-metal.com/album-groupe-Anamnesia-nom_album-Of_Hopes_and_Ashes-l-fr.html "onmouseover =" PopInfoAlbum ('43527 ',' en ') "onmouseout =" killInfoAlbum () "> Of Hopes and Ashes. "Released in September 2006, the album is distributed regionally and nationally referenced in Fnac. webzines Chronicles enthusiastic reinforce the group's artistic choices.

Today stabilized around Bébèch (guitar / vocals), Kristof (bass), Fred (keyboard / sample / box-to-rhythms),Damien (guitar / vocals), music ANAMNESIA based on organic electronic atmospheres and passages, a blend of atmospheric metal and pure energy.

ANAMNESIA now seeks to ensure maximum concerts since September 2007. His new album " Of Gods & Men "comes to see theDay February 14, 2008!

Continued ...

Source: Anamnesia