Two From The Vault

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Band Name Vision Of Disorder
Album Name Two From The Vault
Type Compilation
Released date 24 February 2004
Music StyleHardcore
Members owning this album1


Vison Of Disorder (1996)
1. Element
2. Watering Disease
3. Through My Eyes
4. Viola
5. Liberation
6. Divide
7. Ways to Destroy One's Ambition
8. Suffer
9. Zone Zero
10. D.T.O.
11. Excess
12. Gloom
Imprint (1998)
1. What You Are
2. Twelve Steps to Nothing
3. Landslide
4. By the River
5. Imprint
6. Colorblind
7. Rebirth of Tragedy
8. Locust of the Dead Earth
9. Up in You
10. Clone
11. Jada Bloom

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Vision Of Disorder