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Band Name Senmuth
Album Name Izoteri-Ka
Type Album
Released date 2004
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleExperimental Metal
Members owning this album0


1. Mesedjer of Ancient Self-Understanding
2. Izgnanie Iz Real'nosti
3. Ja Pokidaju Geliopol'
4. Amarna's Exitium
5. Dendera. Zodiak Moej Duši
6. Amantha
7. Osoznanie Neprigodnosti
8. Motivy Prošlyh Voplo?enij
9. Poznat' Nezrimoe Imja
10. Astoreth on the Ra
11. 146, 64m. Voshod. Vsego Liš' Videnie...
12. Misericordia (Ir-Remediabilis)

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