Hate-Bluten (Hierarchy of Wolf)

Band's List Black Metal Bluten Hate-Bluten (Hierarchy of Wolf)
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Band Name Bluten
Album Name Hate-Bluten (Hierarchy of Wolf)
Type Compilation
Released date 2002
Music StyleBlack Metal
Members owning this album0


1. My Star Over Forest (Version 2001) 08:48
2. Hate of Spirits 04:29
3. Vergangen (Dunkelslicht) 04:00
4. The Secrets of Peorth 06:51
5. Meine Blutige Krieg 03:52
6. A Story of Old Gods in Ancient Soul 03:40
7. Shadows of Evil 03:41
8. My Star Over Forest 08:52
9. Darkness 02:08
Total playing time 46:21

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