Faster-Than-Light, Longer-Than-Eternity

Band's List Experimental Metal Senmuth Faster-Than-Light, Longer-Than-Eternity
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Band Name Senmuth
Album Name Faster-Than-Light, Longer-Than-Eternity
Type Album
Released date December 2011
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleExperimental Metal
Members owning this album1


1. Faster-Than-Light
2. Baryogenesis
3. Orbital Ascent of 55 Cancri
4. Galactic Love Destruction
5. Gravitational Binding Energy
6. Dark Flow Intercourse
7. Stellar Neurotransmitters
8. The Forbidden Mechanics of Death
9. Black Body Spectrum
10. Tachyon Erotiquary
11. All Answers for a Arp 194
12. Longer-Than-Eternity

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