Drowning in the Vampyric Sacrament of the Immortals

Band's List Black Metal Drowning The Light Drowning in the Vampyric Sacrament of the Immortals
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Band Name Drowning The Light
Album Name Drowning in the Vampyric Sacrament of the Immortals
Type Split
Released date 29 May 2012
Music StyleBlack Metal
Members owning this album9


1. The Stone of Apathy 04:38
2. The Hunt (Sustenance) 04:55
3. The Reflex of Shadows 05:31
4. Their Will Diminished 05:59
5. Grim Tyranny 06:47
6. Burned by Sunlight 05:13
7. In Sorrow & Misery 08:12
Total playing time 41:15

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Drowning The Light

Vampyric Blood

  • The Stone of Apathy | Drowning the Light
  • The Hunt (Sustenance) | Drowning the Light
  • The Reflex of Shadows | Drowning the Light
  • Their Will Diminished | Drowning the Light