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Friday 13 January 2012 - 20:00:57
Seems like lately I've been getting depressed more than I have in the past, probly inherited it from my DAD, he's been taking all kinds of anti depressants and shit for a while (the kitchen countered is littered with like 5 or 6 bottles of weird ass pills and crap). I find that frequent exercise and communing with friends really helps. Hell, I Wish I had more friends that partied all the time, take advantage of that, it might actually help.

Saturday 14 January 2012 - 05:58:27

citation :
Raina says : @mini: Grandma solution: get a cat/snobby pet that requires some attention.  Start playing an instrument and exercise. Start appreciating cheesy Power metal. Watch more movies - become a movie buff, read books, learn something new.

Try to cheer up somehow, you don't have such a bad life.

I really Wish I could cheer up, I know my life isn't bad after I Saw some of those "my stories" videos on youtube. It gives me an excuse to smile.

I have 2 pet dogs who keep me company, and cheer me up too. But it I just feel isolated from the whole human population sometimes. I told my Boss at work, he frowned upon me... I told my parents, they frowned upon me... whats next? my freinds? teachers? its like everyone I open up to thinks it's a joke and like I'm bullshitting them.

@demogorefest - if you can, do everything you can to cheer yourself up. Because I've been feeling upset for over 20 months (when this whole Crisis began) and I think Depression started not long ago. And unlike feeling upset... it doesn't go away and I feel if I'm on the verge of a downward spiral...

I would take part in sports and stuff, but my Medication doesn't allow me to do it right now