Death Metal >> Which are your favourite Death Metal / Death Grind / Brutal Death bands?
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Monday 31 January 2011 - 23:56:21
I love what I've started here! Thank you all three of you for your lists, I now have a shitload of bands to check out, the best part is it's stuff I've heard of but never got around to listening to, as opposed to about 90% of the other lists on here that were composed of (shitty) mainstream DM bands.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 00:34:35
A few more for right now.

Sororicide : Ominous old school death metal. From Iceland, these guys released The Entity. A very dark Death Metal album. Kind of creepy album artwork too on The Entity.

Shturm : (Nile + Behemoth) x 20. Yes, fucking insane.

Lykathea Aflame : Extremely good instrumentation, but it can get old very fast.

Appalling Spawn : Now this is good. These guys are the precursors to Lykathea Aflame. Difference being, they don't get old. Come on, these guys are melodic death/grind! Let's see... it's brutiful!

TOOH : Damn the Czech make good music. TOOH (The Obliteration of Humanity) play a very experimental style of death/grind. Problem being, the vocal style may turn some away.

Perimeter : Polyrhythmic technical death metal. While smashing your Skull inwards, they play epic grooves.

Pitbulls In The Nursery : Don't let the name fool you. Strange, proggy and technical along with Brutal vocals. Quiet interludes as well. These guys are basically the Klabautamann of death metal. For any prog death fan.

Alchemist : Great atmosphere and odd vocals. Gives a out-there feeling when heard. Another recommendation for prog death fans. Very strange... hmm... they are from Australia

maudlin of the well : Though only some of their songs, these guys make/made beautiful ambient mixed with death metal. Newest material is basically post-rock though.

A Kid Hereafter in the Grinding Light : Extremely bizarre grind

Kekal : Not entirely death metal. More of everything. This band is extremely progressive. Recommendation - 1000 Thoughts of Violence.

Psypheria : Complete madness. Take Mitochondrion and replace the dark ambient with classical influences. Overly technical. I find Mitochondrion better though, just my opinion.

Malodorous : I was searching for more bands, then this came up. I listened to one song, and I felt as my spine froze. These guys are fucking awesome. The drumming (yes the drums are programmed, they still sound awesome though), guitars and vocals are all top notch. It is like a mind-blender.

Odious Mortem : Unrelenting and brutal. What else could you want. Immense riffs we have here.

Excommunion : Fans of Immolation! Great atmosphere, the gutterals are crushing. And the riffs are like a punch in the face that you want over and over.

Gorement : Old school Death Metal with a haunting atmosphere. Very doomy at times. The Ending Quest is definitely a classic.

Disincarnate : A legendary band in old school death, yet they are unknown. Dreams of the Carrion Kind is Beyond words amazing. The riffs are perfect, letting in unexpected changes, but it all fits in somehow. Pretty good production for 1993 also.

Abramelin : Brutal and groovy. Crushing double bass. Dammit. Australia makes good death metal!

Statius : I can't believe I am saying this... neoclassical death metal. Take death/thrash and stuff it full with piano and guitar wankery. These guys sure know how to make riffs.

Waltari (only Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die!) : On the album stated before, it is like a death metal symphony. Out of nowhere, the band made a death metal album, and then no more after. It is a unknown gem indeed. Extremely influenced by classical music. The vocals are demonic. The symphony enhances the atmosphere by so much. " Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! A Death Metal Symphony In Deep C", it is not kidding. Fucking amazing album by every standard.

Obsidian Kingdom : Very good progressive death metal. Only has 2 EPs though. Kind of hard to find.

Lunatic Gods : Over the top proggy death metal with elements of black, doom and sometimes thrash all melted into a bowl of folk. The death metal part is prominent though. Their older stuff is more pure death metal with some of the avant-garde stuff. Recently it has become more avant-garde, but it still retains the death metal aspect.

Contaigeon : Atmospheric, insanity, filthy death metal. Soulless and brutal. Very unknown though.

Martriden : Brutal thrash/death. Very similar to Yyrkoon in some points of groove. Newest album is very proggy. So, new album = brutal and calming?

Sympathy : Symphonic technical death. Need I say more? Arcane Path is what you are looking for.

I will add more amazing bands as I find them.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 01:20:34
If you do add more bands, could you keep them all to one list? Just makes it easier to browse cause it's fewer posts and fewer pages and whatnot.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 01:23:22
Yes I will. I'm going to keep it to this one list.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 01:35:55
Much appreciated, my good sir.

EDIT: GandhiEgo, everything I checked out off of your list so Far has been FANTASTIC. I would very much like to hear some more.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 05:45:30
i second almost every band Psycho mentioned0
i'd have to add in there Vital Remains, Aeveron, Vile, Violence Unleashed, Waco Jesus, Divine Empire (especially the first 2 albums), Slugathor, Kaamos, Kataplexia, Hour Of Penance, Aeon, and about 500 others that i really don't feel like writing

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 09:27:44

citation :
Enigmatick dit : Much appreciated, my good sir.

EDIT: GandhiEgo, everything I checked out off of your list so Far has been FANTASTIC. I would very much like to hear some more.

You're very welcome. I'll add a few band to this list. > done.

Tuesday 01 February 2011 - 15:13:39

citation :
Demogorefest says : i second almost every band Psycho mentioned0
i'd have to add in there Vital Remains, Aeveron, Vile, Violence Unleashed, Waco Jesus, Divine Empire (especially the first 2 albums), Slugathor, Kaamos, Kataplexia, Hour Of Penance, Aeon, and about 500 others that i really don't feel like writing

That's good to hear. I should've also mentioned Hour Of Penance, Waco Jesus, and Aeon. And yeah, there are to many bands to name, I just mentioned those that I had in mind at that moment.

Wednesday 02 February 2011 - 10:55:12
It freaking sucks i SAW this so late , all the good ones are taken . Good work guys , amazing bands mentioned some of them , personal favourites , others that i will definitely try to find . The ones left for me to add are the greek Death Metal ones , you people miss the good stuff .
Seriously , Septic Flesh ? I shivered when i SAW them in the list , and not in a pleasant way .
Now then :

Korrigan : Friends of mine , 'nough said . A Death Metal band from Patra , that balances between great growls and an even greater female melodic Voice (she is also hot .. )  . Last year they published their first cd (Thy Art , Lament ) and in my opinion , its really worth checking . Those out there expecting a fast mindblowing band will be disappointed , but if you can take clean riffs and keyboard on the background , then i think you will like .

Everfailed : Friends of mine too . Now you HAVE to check those guys out . They only have a Demo till now , Biological order , but every and each one of the songs left me with an open mouth back at the time . They are one of those new bands , that you hear the Demo and wait anxiously for their first cd . Powerful , fast guitar and amazing vocals .

Mass Infection : If you havent heard of those guys , you have been living under a rock . Personally , my favourite greek band . As Brutal as it can be . Growls that can blast your ears , and a rythm that if you dont start moshing to , you are either handicap or Suffer from some emotional disability . I personally prefer their first cd , Atonement for Iniquity , but the second , The Age of Recreation keeps the standarts high too . Oh , their gig was the best i have been too , and been in a lot .
Edit : If you check their myspace a stupid song may start playing from an idiot in the comments , urgh .

Blustery Caveat : Another Death Metal band certainly worth checking out . I doubt you will understand what they say , greeks... , but that doesnt make them any lesser . Their cd , Payback in Brutality might not be a Masterpiece , but it does have enough great tracks to make it worth it .

Inveracity : Brutal death band from Athens ( and if i dont dislike them for that , i must really like their music ) , that has been touring around Europe . I happened to see them as support to Behemoth , and if you manage to make an impresion next to such a band , then you are allowed to brag . I find Slavery and Blood of Impurity to be my 2 favourites , but dont let me affect you , most of their songs are worth checking out at least !

Terrordrome : I laugh so much everytime i see their myspace . Death Metal / Flamenco , ahahaha . Good fellows , even better band . Been drinking with them , back in the homeland . Maybe i allow the fact i know them to cloud my judgement , as they are a rather ...strange group . I still find Vehement Convulsion to be a great cd   , with Eradicate the Indigence my personal pick . Festivity of clitoris licking ? No comment , ahaha .

Homo Iratus : Last , but not least , this Death/Grind band has been kicking ass from when i remember myself listening to Death Metal . Its amazing how , after 10 years , you will find one of your favourite bands , in a bar smaller than a mousehole , still playing the same kickass music as always . Very passionate guys , driven only by the love of our music . Especially their last EP , Truth Conquers all , is rather entertaining , containing great , yet funny songs . Yes , they might sound like Deathcore in a part of their music , but they title themselves as death , so here it is .

Edit 1 : Acid Death : I  hesitate adding this one , as if they are more death or thrash is questionable , their history in greek death metal scene isnt though . They split , after publishing 2 cds , Pieces of Mankind and Random's Manifest . They seem to be back , and i personally expect something glorious , judging from the tracks they released . We live in interesting times .

Wednesday 02 February 2011 - 11:13:43

citation :
1Archon1 dit :
Terrordrome : I laugh so much everytime i see their myspace . Death Metal / Flamenco , ahahaha .

That's also how French band Impureza define their sound. But they're pretty good at it. You should check them out.

By the way, Inveracity's drummer is also in Dead Congregation though it's definitely not the same kind of music.