Death Metal >> What 5 death metal records are you into just now?
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Monday 30 May 2011 - 19:03:02
Gee, Enig. You sure have a way with kids.

Death - The Sound of Perseverance.
Chuck Shuldiner's Voice is amazing in this album, not to mention the riffs. Had he not died, I'm sure the band would still be together and still be producing more and more of this stuff.

Book Of Black Earth - Horoskopus.
I can easily say this album has some of the most crushing riffs I've ever heard in death metal. Too bad these guys aren't as popular as most Death Metal bands are. These guys have talent.

Bloodbath - Unblessing The Purity.
Who doesn't love the Brutality of Mikael Akerfeldt’s Death Metal growl? While this album may be one of their best yet, it can't beat Nightmares Made Flesh.

Forlorn Path - Being Toward Death.
Not sure what you would call this band... But they do have some Death Metal elements. I'd seriously recommend their demo "Unlike The Passing Birds" to anyone interested.

Kataplexia - Supreme Authority.
Yet some more crushing death metal.

Monday 30 May 2011 - 21:33:50

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ryan5 says :
Dude it was Sarcasm FFS. Grow a set and move on

Every joke has a kernel of truth, dearie. The fact that you would consider making a joke about that in the first place says a lot, actually.

DMP: Do you consider TSoP Death's best release? I haven't heard it in a while but it was very saccahrine from what I remember, the straight-up crushing albums like Leprosy are what I prefer.

Monday 30 May 2011 - 23:05:55

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Enigmatick says :

DMP: Do you consider TSoP Death's best release? I haven't heard it in a while but it was very saccahrine from what I remember, the straight-up crushing albums like Leprosy are what I prefer.

Even though his Voice is incredible, I don't think it was their very best. I haven't heard their other albums yet.

Tuesday 31 May 2011 - 06:56:29
Kataplexia rules by the way. Waaay better than Katalepsy.

Tuesday 31 May 2011 - 21:16:56

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Demogorefest says : Kataplexia rules by the way. Waaay better than Katalepsy.

I agree. South-American Death Metal from Finland is awesome. I haven't heard Katalepsy yet, gotta try them.

Wednesday 01 June 2011 - 22:33:42

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psycho_metal says :

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Demogorefest says : Kataplexia rules by the way. Waaay better than Katalepsy.

I agree. South-American Death Metal from Finland is awesome. I haven't heard Katalepsy yet, gotta try them.

they're south American? i think i heard that awhile back, sorta Forgot about that little bit of trivia though. Katalepsy is Nothing special really, standard "Br00tal Death Metal" too many breakdowns and shit for me

Wednesday 01 June 2011 - 23:24:12
Yeah, I remember hearing that they were from Brazil, or something....but I know it was South-America. And about Katalepsy, well, the instrumental parts weren't that bad actually, I don't mind the breakdowns, it was more the vocals that turned me off. It isn't something I would listen the whole day though.

Thursday 02 June 2011 - 01:36:44
Haemorrhage - Hospital Carnage (2011)
Amon Amath - Twightlight of the Thunder GOD
  not much new DM in my rotation these days.

Thursday 02 June 2011 - 06:16:26
I'm literally like the only guy who doesn't really like Bloodbath that much. Unblessing the Purity is pretty much the only release of theirs I like. I could never get into any of the older records whatsoever, and i'm an ardent fan of Swedish death.

Shit i've been listening to:

-Deicide's Legion: Their best hour by quite a distance, alongside their debut. This is furious, ridiculously technical while still being heavily rooted in thrash. (Slayer will always be this band's primary influence, no matter what) The riffs are jagged and percussive, yet intricate, and the furious pacing of the songs is outright dizzying. The riffs are fantastic, the drumming is just about perfect for this style of Death Metal, and Glen Benton puts in a fantastic vocal performance, by Far the best of his career. (deeper and more blunt rhythmically than the debut, but not incomprehensible either) Deicide are generally kind of overrated, but there's no doubt they turned in some excellent records early in their career.

-Sentenced's North From Here: Sentenced was a band that never seemed remotely content with what their style was early on in their career; the debut was a more standard Finnish Death Metal record and the later records are a lot more rock-oriented from what I recall. North From Here, on the other hand, is an absolutely brilliant, forward thinking piece of early melodic Death Metal, with a surprisingly 2nd gen Black Metal twist.

North From Here is a melodic Death Metal record, but absolutely not the Gothenburg style you'd expect. The songwriting on this record is truly creative and layered, without being bloated or self indulgent. The riffs are dizzying at times; they're very technical and the band makes significant use of counterpoint throughout - the guitars and bass build off of each other. The riffwork is absolutely masterful; you're not getting something neutered or saccharine, and for the songs general complexity, the band grabs you throughout. Taneli Jarva delivers an excellent vocal performance; his raspy, shitfire vocals more in line with Black Metal but fitting the Cold nature of the songs perfectly, and the drumming is excellent. Production is absolutely perfect for this as well: polished and clear-toned, yet Cold and powerful.

This is an outstanding record. Sentenced sadly never stayed in this style for very long, but it's an excellent record; get it if you come across it.

-Vader's De Profundis: I've never been very big on Polish Death Metal; I think Decapitated is lame as Hell for the most part and a lot of the bands that i've heard seem to lack identity to them. This record has absolutely NoNe of those problems; Vader were one of the first to establish Poland as a Death Metal centre, and they still may be the best band to emerge from that scene.

This is very speedy Death Metal, but Vader aren't a band that mindlessly blast around or lack identity of any kind. The band's influences are easily present: Slayer, Morbid Angel, and arguably Deicide, but they don't clone those bands by any means. The music has a natural, powerful tone to it, and the influence from Slayer shines through even within the tremolo riffing and blast-beats. The riffs on this record are fantastic, with an absolutely incisive way of getting into your head. The drumming is excellent on this, balancing the needs of the songs rhythmically perfectly without faltering, and the vocals, while intially off-putting are incredibly strong. they're more of a throaty bark than a full fledged growl but they're a great fit. The songs are excellent, with brilliant riffs throughout, and the record overall is short and punchy enough to get its point across without being underdeveloped. An excellent record from these guys, I have to look into them more.

-Darkthrone's Soulside Journey: This is a strange Beast of a record. Darkthrone are of course better known for The Black metal works, but Soulside Journey is a curiously progressive work of death metal. The most surprising thing to me is how many similarities it shares with later Darkthrone.

This is certainly really cold music, but whereas later Darkthrone records were cold in the 'occult' manner, this is in a much more mechanical way. It lends a sinister aura to the record that's never been fully replicated; part of it is the really trebly production job from Sunlight Studios, but the instrumental performances - with the lone exception of Fenriz - seems really stiff sounding. It's weird.

The songs on this record are very good, but flawed at the same time. The songs are packed with excellent riffs, an impressive bass performance, great lead guitar work, and excellent drumming (arguably Fenriz at his peak - it's somewhat technical, but with a great sense of musicality and groove), but the songs at times are really awkwardly written and don't quite fully come together. "Cromlech" for example has that outright rockish part right after Nocturno's solo that sounds totally out of place and seems tacked on. It's little things such as that what makes this a bit flawed. The atmosphere is fantastic, and it does do quite a bit to mitigate the flaws of the record. It's still really good though, definitely worth a shot.

Don't have a fifth one again, sorry!

Thursday 02 June 2011 - 06:22:08
Never found what was so good about Bloodbath. Just seems like another supergroup.

I love Sentenced. Though I do enjoy their gothic/heavy metal era, they were definitely best during their melodic death era.

I have yet to hear Legion. Don't know why, but I must hear it.