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Wednesday 22 May 2013 - 22:29:43

citation :
Scared1 says : Burzum - Thought black Metal was shit until I heard war by Burzum.

Q same question.

Hey Scared, I wonder if you know that the riffs from the song 'War' were rippied off from the song 'Necromancy' by Bathory ;)
A: Speaking of Burzum, I used to not like the band purely based on Varg's actions. I Saw this album art for Filosofem on a video Icon and thought it was interesting, so I clicked it and heard Jesu Dod, not knowing it was Burzum I heard until after. That's how I fell in love with the music The exact same thing happened with Mayhem and Freezing Moon.
I also used to Hate post-black Metal Ulver and thought they were dumb and boring until I began to get into more avant-garde music and then heard the track Blinded by Blood. Now almost everything in their discography amazes me every time I heard it (still not too KeeN on the album Marriage of Heaven And Hell, though).
Aaaand Tool. I thought they were a poser Metal band to be lumped in with Slipknot and Korn and garbage like that. I had bought the album 10,000 Days after hearing one song from it and thought that only one song on it was good. Now I've developed a Taste for longer, slower, thoughtful songs and Tool appeals to me much more. The 'boring' songs I used to Hate from them are now my favourites. Still dislike Undertow and Opiate.
Um, I guess those are the biggest ones.
Q: Same question (bands you love that you used to Hate and why).

Tuesday 28 May 2013 - 01:11:01
A: Deicide, I just Saw them as another generic death Metal band. "Granth! Satan!!!", but I eventually got used to it and now I have several of their albums.

A: Which seems lower to do? Robbing a nun, or beating up a Blind kid?

Thursday 30 May 2013 - 19:24:33
A: Beating up a Blind kid--what the fuck difference does it make if the woman I rob is a nun? Any money she has probably goes to shitty homophobic charities and zealot missionary workers. Plus, I'm pretty sure unagravated Assault and Battery is objectively worse than robbery (assuming the robbery is, say, stealing a purse or something).
Q: Longest song you've Ever listened to all the way through?
I bet No One here can beat me! ;)

Friday 31 May 2013 - 19:50:21
A: Moonsorrow-Jäästä Syntynyt/Varjojen virta with 30:11

Q: Most annoying band ever? (Not just bad or average... REALLY annoying)

Sunday 07 July 2013 - 02:21:27
A. hmmm, hard one. There are so many IMO that I don't think that I could name just one.

Q. Most frightening Extreme Metal vocalist?

Sunday 07 July 2013 - 04:22:38
A: I don't know what the heck you mean by 'frightening'. I think you're trying to ask who would literally be the scariest or most dangerous. Given their Criminal records, I'd say Varg Vikernes (guilty of murder and several counts of arson). The guy from Silencer apparently attacked a five year old with an ax, but nobody actually believes that's true, so...

Q: Most evil-sounding vocalist?

Monday 08 July 2013 - 06:59:23
He's trying to come up with a colourful adjective Infinity... give him some cred MAN

A: easily the front woman of Cerebral Bore

She's got some Sinister sounding pipes on her.

Q: What is the most expensive thing you've bought which pertains to metal? (ie. merch, concert tickets, travel tickets to see some band... etc)

ps. I wouldn't say Varg is "frightening", I mean... look at him. He looks like the kind of person who would have a level 85 Warlock on World of Warcraft.

Monday 08 July 2013 - 17:43:57
Hm, I have to say, that Cerebral Bore lady sounds pretty standard to me. Competent, to be sure, but not hugely unique. Though I do like her better than a lot of the trashy modern death Metal vocalists. I just hope she isn't seen as the gimmick that Angela Gossow is.

Regarding Varg, his past actions give me a lot more reason to be afraid of him than his collection of medieval weapons. Plus I can tell he's a total dick from interviews. A scary dick.

A: The most I've dropped on something Metal related would be $100 tickets to see Metallica. Nine hours of Metal bands, including Coheed and Cambria. Other than the way it was so super crowded and the smoking it was pretty much money well spent. As awful as Metallica has become, they're still a lot of fun live.

Q: Most cherished piece of metal-related goodness you own?

Wednesday 14 August 2013 - 07:26:28
A: I'm not into Metal for the memorabilia (although I do like buying the occasional shirt), for example, I wouldn't buy band member Action figures. I'd have to say my head-phones (why not, it's related to Metal ).

I cherish them, because it's what I use when I want to world around me to be invalid. Wearing my Head phones whilst listening to specific songs give me nostalgia for things which have happened in the past. It's what I use to study with on, it keeps my focused when I study (it's helping me through my degree, which is pretty awesome if you ask me).

Q: "Most cherished piece of metal-related goodness you own? "

Wednesday 14 August 2013 - 13:27:40
A: My most cherished heavy Metal artifact would be my autographed Altars of Madness CD, signed by David Vincent. My autographed "None So Vile" Cryptopsy LP (signed by the whole band) is a close second!
Q: What's the farthest you've travelled for a Metal concert and who was the band you were going to see?