Blood Mortized : Parts Ways with Guitarrist Benny Moberg

Samstag 03 April 2010 - 23:00:34 by Earine

Blood Mortized, Death Metal band from Sweden featuring former Amon Amarth guitarist Anders Hansson (who played on Amon Amarth's first two albums, 1996's "Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds" and 1998's "Once Sent From The Golden Hall") and the drummer Mattias Borgh, from Crypt Of Kerberos, has parted ways with guitarist Benny Moberg "due to personal matters." The group states: "This has Nothing to do with the band, the material or the current members".

Benny started Blood Mortized along with (vocalist) Mattias Parkkila back in 2007 and contributed with some heavy riffs on the early demos and debut album. Once a member of Malfeitor, now Benny is involved with projects such as Black Opal Rough and Onerous Task.
The band will replace Benny for the forthcoming Brutal release.

For more informations about the band, please visit the Official Myspace.


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