Infinite Grievance (en)

Infinite Grievance is a relatively new Doom Metal band from Calgary, Canada, consisting of Jon, bass guitar and backing vocals and Tim, Guitar, Drums and vocals. The band was formed in 2009 and has produced 3 lengthy demo's so far. I interviewed the band members on September 9;

GLETSCHERWOLF; Tim, Jon, to start out, where do you exactly place the starting point of Infinite Grievance?
TIM-IG: I guess the band technically started about 3 or 4 years ago with just the band name. It took a while before we actually started writing songs and sticking with them.

JON-IG: I thought about the name from a Cannibal Corpse song called Infinite Misery, from the album Kill. It was a bit of an eye opener for me.

GLETSCHERWOLF; As far as I could make out from information you have given out about IG, a main reason for setting up the band was what you call “The disturbing lack of Doom Metal bands in Calgary and the Province”. In your opinion, is this due to a general lack of “musical climate” in Alberta, Canada, or are there other reasons to point out.?
TIM-IG: That was more of a reason for us to continue to make music and make it public as well. The songs we first came up with were more Black Metal than Doom, but we realized that our skills weren't really up to par to play super fast, and our interest in the style of music wasn't very enthusiastic. Since we both appreciate Doom more than most other kinds of metal, it seemed fitting that we make our own contribution to the rather small Doom scene here in Calgary and Alberta in general.

JON-IG: I really just wanted to be a band that I wanted to see and hopefully others will enjoy,or maybe even be the entrance point to the metal genre of doom.

GLETSCHERWOLF; From your myspace page I learned that setting up IG was a path of trial and error, could you elaborate some on this?
TIM-IG: Well as said before we started out with The Black Metal sound and weren't too thrilled with the results and the idea that we'd be compared with other bands who are way better at playing that style of music than us. It took a few years of writing riffs and disposing of them before coming up with what can be heard on the first demo. It was mostly just a lack of organization and determination to get the ball rolling.

GLETSCHERWOLF; You have been mightily active in 2010, releasing no less than 3 demo’s. Have they already brought you attention from record companies?
TIM-IG: Not to my knowledge. Since the band has only been officially active since January 2010, it seems unlikely that any label would want anything from us in our current fledgling state.

GLETSCHERWOLF; In your own opinion, which one of the three demo’s comes closest to the sound you are seeking with IG?
TIM-IG: That is a tough one. Even though all of the demos have something on them that I guess could be defined as the 'Infinite Grievance sound', I would say Delusions of Clarity is the closest so far. It has the heaviness, the melody, the ambience as well as the more straight forward rock n roll sound that we both grew up with and can't Exempt from out style of play, as it was and is still a big part of our musical background.

JON: Delusions of Clarity is to me the best work we have done so far but bands grow constantly so it can only get better from here.

GLETSCHERWOLF; Listening to the demo’s, I noticed a certain two-sidedness among the tracks, some songs being, Forgive Me the term, more “standard” Doom Metal and some of a much more ambient, (though utterly gloomy), character. Is this still part of seeking your sound or do you say, no, these are two genuine branches on the IG tree?
TIM-IG: Yea it's all just a way of finding what we are most capable of pulling off without sounding too forced or sounding like we are outright copying another band. Most of the ambient stuff is meant to be a contrast to the actual songs, giving a sort of 'eye of the storm' feel to the whole listening experience.

JON-IG: We definitely are shooting for a certain atmosphere that feeds our combined tastes.

GLETSCHERWOLF; Your songs deal with topics such as loneliness, Hatred and Disgust with humanity, Greed and religion. Could you explain why such feelings are important to you and why in your idea they belong to the normal set of human emotions?
TIM-IG: For me those topics are an every day influence on my psychological being. I use those topics as a way to express my thoughts and feeling on them in a non-violent way. My distaste for religion, greed and humanity in general seems to stem from watching people live ther lives as if they are the only people in existence, completely disregarding anyone and everyone around them to achieve whatever is on their agenda, despite whatever consequences that may arise. As for loneliness, that is more of a personal thing that I feel is necessary for me to express to relieve myself of certain problems from the past or present in order to continue with moving forward in life. All of these topics are on my mind constantly and they have pretty much become who I am as a person. I've pretty much decided that hatred is my neutrality hahaha.

JON-IG: Everybody feels greed, hatred, disgust with humanity, loneliness that’s what makes it real in that we are not writing about something we know nothing about.

GLETSCHERWOLF; Do you plan to start giving live performances in the future? If so, how are you going to solve the problem of being a 2-men outfit so far? Guest musicians? Expanding the band with new members?
TIM-IG: We do want to start playing live, but drummers are a rare commodity, and dedicated drummers even more so. We've gone through a couple of drummers with little luck. Recently we found one who is on the same page as us but our schedules make it hard to practice regularly. On top of that we've been having trouble contacting him to set up practice dates so any notion of playing live is mere daydreaming at this point. When the time comes to play live, we wont have too much trouble getting gigs as a fair amount of people seem to be interested in seeing us in a live setting.

JON-IG: We have the heart to put on an awesome live show. It will happen

GLETSCHERWOLF; Given the fact that your demo’s are very readily available on the various file sharing sites, it seems that commercial success does not feature high on your agenda, am I right in this?
TIM-IG: Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't want any form of commercial success, but yes, you are right. Since we are still a new band to the scene we felt it was unnecessary to charge people for our music because it isn't the greatest, or most professional sounding. When we get around to making a full length EP, we will probably charge some small amount to compensate for the money spent on the recording process.

GLETSCHERWOLF; Are you satisfied with the reactions you have gotten on Infinite Grievance so far?
TIM-IG: I am surprised at the positive response to the music to be honest. Since metalheads are a rather fickle bunch I figured we'd get as much nay-saying as we would kudos, maybe more nay-saying. I thought we'd have to put out a lot of music before we got any form of positive reaction from listeners. We've actually gotten very little negative reactions to our music, but that could just be because those who don't like our music don't feel it's necessary to voice their opinion

GLETSCHERWOLF; What is in the making for Infinite Grievance’s direct future?
TIM-IG: Having a solid line up for playing live. That is on the top of the list of priorities.

GLETSCHERWOLF; Anything you would like to add from your side?
TIM-IG: Thanks a lot for the interest! It makes putting our music out for public enjoyment worth while.

JON-IG: Yeah thanks a lot.

Interview done by gletscherwolf

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