

Thought Patterns Of An Uncivilized Businessman

Album, 2008, Compton Records

Artica (USA-2) : Thought Patterns Of An Uncivilized Businessman


1. Intro
2. Every Noose is a Good Noose
3. There's Gotta Be a Better Way to Catch a Rock than With your fa
4. Chase Bizzare and the Operator
5. Interlude
6. I Came by to Kill you but no One Was Home
7. Does it Look Like i Know Morse Code?
8. 8 Bloody Knuckles and a Mullet
9. Secret Song

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Flesh Carver

Album, 05 August 2012, Compton Records

Artica (USA-2) : Flesh Carver


1. Intro
2. Are You Fucking High? It’s Shark Week!
3. Abortions Are So 1998!
4. Kebert Xela
5. 50 More Headshots
6. Interlude
7. Velociraptor Vs Toronto Raptors
8. That Sucker Dug in Like an Alabama Woodtick
9. Grab My Hangdown
10. SKAB
11. Acid Flashback to 1975

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