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Biografie : Years From Now

Years From Now has started about 2-3 years ago with Chris and Logan as two of the main members.

Originally, they were called “Let The Games Begin” and “Dead Last” before settling on the current name, “Years From Now”.

There have been a lot of member changes that included both Chris and Logan quitting the band at several points in the last couple years due to a variety of issues and differences they had, but we’ve worked on settling into a lineup that we feel is comfortable.

Earlier this year, Robbie joined up as a guitarist for the band before they recorded “The Unbalanced” in Utah, and shortly after Chris rejoined as a bassist, who later switched to guitar when they parted ways with their previous guitarist, Dylan Hamer. Not long after that, they also decided to call it quits with their drummer, Dillon Erickson, and managed to find a brilliant person to fill his shoes, Dakota Sammons. They are also working with a bassist (announcing soon).

More than anything, this lineup has brought a level of cohesion and community to the band that none of us really expected, but they’re amazed at how well they all vibe with each other and how creative they can be with their music now : they’re at the point where they’re having fun again and all digging it.

Source : http://thecoreofbrutality.blogspot.fr/2012/09/years-from-now-interview.html