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Biografie : Trail Of Murder

Trail of Murder started as a project by Urban breed and Daniel Olsson after Urban parted ways with Tad Morose. Pelle Åkerlind had gotten to know Urban in Bloodbound, and was shortly afterward asked to join the project. The three clicked from day one and pretty soon they felt that Trail of Murder was the band they'd all been waiting for.

Since they now had a singer, a guitarist, and a drummer, and they all could play the bass, they decided against adding any more members while working on their debut album "Shades of Art". The songs pretty much wrote themselves, and in the fall of 2011 the band entered The Black Lounge to mix the album with mixing wizard Jonas Kjellgren (Sonic Syndicate, Scar Symmetry). The result was even better than what they had hoped for.

Once the album was finished they started to look for another guitarist and a bass player to round out the line-up. Since they didn't want to bring in people that were in a million other bands (a rather common situation for bands in Bollnäs), or spoil the perfect chemistry the three already had, they really wanted to make sure that any new members would be a good fit on a personal level as well as musically. There had always been some kind of drama in the previous bands they'd been in, so they decided to take their time finding the right members.

They first hooked up with guitarist Hasse Eismar, with whom Pelle had played in the past. He's one of the nicest guys on the planet, and there's not a bone in his body that isn't 100% rock n' roll. He was a shoo-in.

They started rehearsing with Hasse, and when Hasse posted a teaser clip on his Facebook page, a guy he'd done some gigs with called Johan Bergquist commented, "Get rid of the bass player - I want in!" Everyone decided to give him a try. Halfway through the first song, it was obvious they'd found their guy.

Now complete, Trail of Murder are rehearsing and will soon be ready to hit the stages to kick some serious ass!

Stay tuned...

Source : http://www.trailofmurder.com/