logo Repulsive Humanity

Biografie : Repulsive Humanity

94951 Humanity is a Chilean Slamming 98212 Death 32353 band that was born in mid-September 2022, whose founders, Miguel Ruiz (Drums) and Ernesto Córdova (Guitar), decide to promote this project with the purpose of reactivating the Slamming scene at a regional and national level.

Nico 62617 (Vocalist) joins in October 2023, participating in the composition of sickening lyrics and in the recording of the EP "47320 The 92543 Consequences Of Humanity".

The musical and artistic production of this album is based on the extinction of humanity as a consequence of its abominable and repulsive acts, with lyrics that explicitly detail the punishment, death, and extermination of the species.

Source : https://www.facebook.com/repulsivehumanity