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Biografie : Nephthys (SVN)

In early 2008, Nephthys was formed by Dorian Žulič (vocals, guitars, keyboards) and Matej Kržišnik (drums). They decided to form some unique perspective over the band and bringing more possibilities to the future progress of their music.

All of a sudden, creating process started. Lyrics were written and first songs were made. Soon after that Nejc Mavsar joined the band as a lead guitar player, and played in Nephthys for about two years.

Later, a keyboard player Anja Kosec arrived in band, but because of complexity of keyboard lines, band decided to perform with keyboard sountrack, insted of them beeing played in live, which just wouldn't be possible to perform.

Now, with guitar, vocals, drums, symphonic soundtracks, band is searching for a bass player, and performing live shows. They have also recorded their first album (Ghost Asylum) !

Source : Reverbnation