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Biografie : Legion 666 (BLR)

Legion666 has arisen in the middle of 1999 a. b. as a result of a collaboration between V. A. and Blasphemer. The debut album "Hymns to Satan" was recorded within some days, in October of the same year. The atypical combination of electronic sounds and rigid, monotonous, sampled guitar support forms the core of Legion666 creations. A style characterized as "Primitive Satanic Electro Chaos", a however abstract definition, that ranks the band among a standard classification used in the "usual musical society". Shortly after the album release V. A. decided to leave the band in order to focus on his original project Udumbal.
In the beginning of 2000 a. b., the mini-album "Hymns to Satan" was released on cassette format by the Belarusian label Possession productions, that was back in the days a sincere un-commercial orthodox label but lost later these qualities so any further work with that thief was cancelled (by the way the same decision was done by most of the bands of this label).
The musical range of "Hymns to Satan" wasn't the most representative of the band's musical style. After V. A. departure the project was fixed by Blasphemer only, who's still the unique participant until. In order to space out with the debut album and also as a natural evolution, the name was changed to Black Legion Of Death 666 in the middle of 2000 a. b., (name taken from a track of the debut mini-album, that is an illustration of the spiritual message and criteria's of B.L.O.D. 666). Blasphemer explains the given decision: "The premise of this transformation (but, maybe, it's possible to consider it as a "logical continuation") was V. A. departure, it's clear he took a part of Legion666 essence with him, therefore I didn't find necessary to disregard this fact".
In 2000 a. b. the work with a new album "Unholy Hordes of Eternal Evil" began, slowed down by a wide spectrum of problems and obstacles (of financial and musical nature). At this moment is impossible to speak about precise day of the completion of this album, due to periods of outbursts of creativity or complete oblivion. The main musical style changed, blending rigid Black Metal with a significant influence of electronic "ambient" atmosphere. The structure of the album is determined, its Aim is still subordinated to the same criteria – Opposition to the overall obsequious sheep mentality; anti-vital Manifestation of the Dark Nature of the anti-human exile. Time will show the final result to the world but at present it does not know this latent limit.
Pestis eram vivus – moriens tua mors ero!