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Biografie : Hanging Garden (FIN)

In summer 2004 Matti and Ari decide to start a band playing slow doomy metal. The idea is to combine qualities of their existing bands, Mattis dark rock act Shamrain and Aris thrashing death metal band Dauntless into something special. Their mutual friend Janne is asked to play drums.

During the following winter the first tunes for the band are written, but the real start doesn't take place until spring 2005. At that time Matti and Janne put their former band, Grayscale into rest and have finally the time the band needs to get things going. Shamrain guitarist Mikko is recruited to play guitar and the first rehearsals take place.

The recordings for the first promo-CD start during the autumn and winter and a secong Guitarist, Saku, is recruited to boost the sound. The band is named 'Hanging Garden' and the first form of the promo-CD finally sees the light of day just in time for the Finnish Metal Expo in February 2006. Some 2-song promos are given away to labels and medias, but the 'official' 3-song version is due to come out a bit later...
