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Biografie : Gun Barrel

Köln is admits for imperturbable traditions: the Karneval, the Kölsch, the Cologne cathedral, the 1. FC Cologne… and also GUN BARREL, of Germany hardest Rock'n'Roll volume! Based of the stood full blood musician and guitarist Rolf Tanzius, that in singers Guido field living and Holger Schulz at the bass, as well as for the time being a Studiodrummer the suitable fellow combatants found, secures themselves young in the year 2000 with their same-financed EP “bakes tons of Suicide” fast Limb Music Products as long-term partners. Already one year after appears meanwhile strengthened with tonuses to Pinciroli at the Drums, its debut album “power Dive that the Metalszene meets like a club impact. The twelve straighten Heavy Rocker with their earthshaking reef and deafening Mitgröhlrefrains are exactly the correct force food for the scene genervte by Müsli skirt and Depri Metal. Like a mixture from rose Tattoo, Thunderhead, AC/DC and Motörhead inject those young the dust from the loudspeakers and heimsen everywhere überschwängliche criticisms. The true magic of the music of GUN BARREL unfolds however only in the sharp light of the Bühnenscheinwerfer. 2002 follows Festivalauftritte and a route with the trace lords and Asher, before at the beginning of of 2003 the album “Battle Tested” marks the next career high point. Again the Cologners clear each quantity of ingenious criticisms and make together with as different volume as rose Tattoo, Molly Hatchet, Subway ton of Sally, Skew Siskin, Holy Moses, Paragon, Goddess OF the Irish and Torment the stages in Germany; Luxembourg and Holland uncertainly. To better last GUN BARREL denies ingenious Heimspiel before thousands of fans to Cologne ring celebrations also still another and maintains ground more than successfully even in the midst of one from Black and Death Metal of volume existing Billing on the Norwegian 1001 Watt festival in Skien. 2004 begin directly with a grandiosen appearance on skirt station the festival in the Turkish Ankara before nearly 2500 raving fans. Follows Italy a route with Rain and with resounds to OF Fame festival in Wacken nevertheless actually erspielt itself the volume a fixed starting point at the large Wacken festival, the most famous Metal open air of the world. With the appearance on the Hard'n'Heavy Summernight in Bonn bassist Holger says good-bye to Australia, in order to carry out its emigration dreams there. Tom Kintgen, a friend of many years that volume, takes over the vakante position and brilliert, like the whole volume, with the large Wacken festival appearance, which is along-cut also for two contributions on the Wacken of anniversary CD and DVD. In the middle in the preparations to the third album “Bombard Your Soul” replaces those to volume singer Guido by new acquisition Xaver Drexler. A genuine profit, as not only on the new Songs but also with the appearances at the Metalcamp, skirt at the Eislek and the Headbangers open air was to be heard loud and clearly. Current Kracher like ‚Dear Mr. Devil, ‚down & Dirty', ‚Bloody Pretender' or the piece of title show clearly, who has the nose in Germany in things power Rock'n'Roll in front. “Bombard Your Soul” appears fit-proves to Halloween (28,10.) and the coffin covers rattle already from Vorfreude. Indeed an album, which wakes the dead ones

biographie traduite de allemand à anglais par: metaleu34