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Biografie : Goatheadthorn

The noyze began to rumble from the depths of the temple at the end of the last century. From the ashes of INFAMY, I DECAY, CHRONIC AGONY, and BROKEJAW came the three lords of the GOATHEADTHORN. With only our weapons and desire, we chose to rebuild the glory of the temple and recover the power found only when the combined energy flowers into sound.
Jason, Marcus, and Rick brought forth the behemoth of SUPERHEAVY E.P. in October of 2002, declaring the AZ State Fair the testing ground for their first musical bomb blasts. The Superheavy EP was recorded with Mike Bollenbach of FULLWELL STUDIO and brings together six of our most brutal and beautiful songs for your enjoyment. March - November 2004 and May - September 2005, we recorded 6 songs for a new EP titled "ALL SHALL BOW BEFORE THE MIGHT" (tentative release date June 2006) and are currently playing live and finishing the songs for the next EP.

We make all our noyze with drums guitar bass and voice. pure superheavymetal!