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Biografie : Gevolt

Gevolt is the only band which does Yiddish Metal and takes it seriously. Take some Jewish folk melodies, mix them with the finest modern metal rythm section, blend it with some acid electronic synth sounds and add some classical Kleizmer violin on the top. Gevolt!!!

The band is currently working on a full length album, which contains classic Yiddish songs adapted to the new industrial enviroment.

Gevolt was formed in 2001.

The band has appeared on many metal events, including "Kursik" - the biggest festival of Russian rock in Israel (twice: in 2004 and 2006). Also, Gevolt appeared on several radio and TV shows.

In 2006 Gevolt had recorded their debut album "SIDUR". Dark, Cold, Mysterious and Daring. This Ritual Metal album delivers you the most somber atmospheres, beautiful but eerie melodies, layered walls of hi-tech sounds, aggressive guitars and theatrical passionate performance.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/gevolt