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Biografie : Forced Asphyxia

formed in 2003, Forced Asphyxia was a brutal creation to entertain the masses of Inverclyde Scotland, originally there were 4 members, growing in number to 6 with the addition of an extra guitarist and keyboardist/sampler to diversify the sound.
F.A's fan base grew quickly,gigs were offered and support slots filled...including support for DEICIDE,MAPLE CROSS,MENDEED,ARKHON INFAUSTUS and MAN MUST DIE.
F.A played the majority of venues in glasgow, including the cathouse,garage, the vale, strawberry fields,student union, 13th note,king tuts and fury murry's.
Also they were involved in "the T - BREAK heats" and played the EMERGENZA FESTIVAL.
In 2005 the band went into the studio and recorded a new album at this point a new view was taken, and the band changed their name to THE TRAUMA, after this was enforced,unfortunately the album was never released,the band became dorment,due to personal duties and eventually was taken for granted it would fade to nothing.
2008 rolled in and founder member kenny wouldnt let F.A go down without a fight,due to previous members unable to pick up where they left off,The old name was brought back in, new members were recruited and the legacy of FORCED ASPHYXIA begun again.

Source : kenny