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Biografie : Cry Of Silence

During the summertime of the year 2006, down in southlands, surrounded by mystical forests and eternal rivers, Cry of Silence took the breath of life for the first time. Brought to the sunlight and darkest nights by Granath. Cry of Silence is a one man band, a gate through which Granath enters his internal world, the philosophy for all that he believes in and follows, the adoration of mother Nature and the endless pain of his wondering soul closely entwined with Nature. Time of loneliness crossed paths with the northern winds, and a new soul walked into Granath's world. Inspired by Pagan times and divine existence, nurtured by mother Nature and wilderness around, sorrows of soul and honors of heart, wisdom of mind and divinity of love, Tatiana joined Granath on the path leading to wandering through Pagan times. Cry of Silence can make you cry in silence, yet it can also silence your cry. Mindless creatures with eyes which cannot see, with ears which cannot hear should not cross this path...and if you cannot be touched by the pure meaning of senses so forgotten, if you cannot understand the true meaning behind these words, then do not waste your time reading this, as only the chosen ones, the true ones and the divine ones can truly grasp the meaning of what Cry of Silence really is.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/granathscryofsilence