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Biografie : Crimson Rivers

"Crimson Rivers" is a Symphonic / Dark female-fronted metal band who were born at the end of March 2009. The founding members of the band are: Marios (Bass Guitar / Vocals), Thanos (Keyboards) and Fotis (Guitars) and. Some live shows followed including supporting Xandria in Thessaloniki (unfortunately the band could not participate due to serious family problems of one of the members). After some... changes in their line-up (former members: Cleopatra and Ilias), in September 2010, Stella (Vocals) and Makis (Drums) were welcomed to join the rest of the band. At the end of November 2010 they released their demo titled “In Life’s Silence” including two tracks: “In Life’s Silence” and “Funeral”. A live show took place in Thessaloniki with Crimson Rivers as headliners, presenting the songs of their forth coming album. At the end of December 2010, they entered the studio for the recordings for their first album “Sorrowful Hell”; three months later, recordings, mixing and mastering were finished. Now they have released their debut album 'Sorrowful Hell' and they are ready for future gigs!

Source : http://www.facebook.com/CrimsonRivers.gr