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Biografie : ControlState

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."
- Victor Hugo

January the first, 2007. A band that has been around for about 5 years comes to an end. Why? Two of them wanted to design a new concept. Something that's based on music as a communication between feelings and reality. It takes about six months to create this idea and put in a real life form. While writing the music the two work really hard producing skills they didn't knew they had.

After those six months the blueprint was ready. Now the time has come to make a well oiled machine out of it. It took another six months to find the last, but the most essential components: musicians. The quest was not only to find people who could play the music but they had to fit in so the wheel keeps on turning. Finding these guys was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle.At last ControlState was born.

In 2008 ControlState records their first promo CD containing two songs which are typical for their style. Still writing new songs the band is now ready to take the second step...

Source : http://ControlState.com/cs.php/Biography/