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Biografie : Clockwork Protocol

Clockwork Protocol consists of Nikolaj (Vocals), Nord (Guitar), Nick (Guitar), Thomas (Bass) and Tristan (Drums), but it wasn't always like so...

Like most things it started with an idea and the communion of people. Nord had been without a band for approximately half a year and wanted to start a new band. Through the internet he found Peter, who was a guitarist like himself and was also starting to look for a band. They met up and the first roots of the band was formed. Peter had already made contact to Tristan in his attempt to form a band and Nord knew Nikolaj from his study. With most of the band assembled and a fellow philosophy established, they got a rehearsal room and went at it.

After about 3 months, writing the first song (See What's Behind) and starting on the second, they came up with the initial band name. They decided to call the band Clockwork.

However, they quickly met their first obstacles: They still hadn't found a bass-player and Peter was unable to continue in the band, due to personal circumstances. Without a lead-guitarist and a bass-player, the outlooks were bleak. They kept at it, refusing to give up, and eventually Lasse Larsson was found to be the bands first bass-player.

After several months of song-writing and preparing for their first demo-recording, they still hadn't found a lead-guitarist after several auditions. Nord knew Nick back from high-school and suggested that the band should take him in and teach him the ways of a metal-guitarist, with him taking over the rhythm-guitar parts and Nord jumping to lead-guitarist. They all agreed, and Nick was brought on board.

1½ months before they hit the studio for their first demo-recording, the band took another hit. Lasse was unable to continue, due to his life turning around faster than he could manage at the time. Deciding to record the songs anyway, Nikolaj momentarily took over the bass and they successfully recorded their first 3-track demo.

After the demo was released, they continued their search for a bass-player, until Nick one day suggested a friend that he knew from his study. This friend turned out to be Thomas, who quickly impressed the band and was offered a spot after 3 hours of rehearsal. With Thomas joining the troops, the final setup of the band was in place: Clockwork was finally whole.

Things started to pick up the pace from there. Continuing to write songs, they set out to record their first EP, after having played their first concerts. They signed a distribution contract with Gateway Music and the word was quickly spreading in the local community of the band, which had been quiet for such a long time.

Before they embarked on the big project of their first EP, they decided to change the name of the band. Clockwork was a widely used name, across many bands and cover-bands, and the band felt that the name had too strong reference to the past for them to continue having it, with nearly half the band being new members. The decided to change it, as a symbol of their newly found spirits and collective identity: They renamed the band Clockwork Protocol; A combination of the past experiences and the future things to come, as a new whole.

In June, 2009, Clockwork Protocol went to CBstudios to record their first professionally made EP, to be named "The Degradation of Morality". Containing 5 tracks, it was the first time the band showed their true potential and what the new ensemble stood for. The EP was well liked, and was released during a concert at Kansas City, Odense, on the 2nd of October 2009. Clockwork Protocol played this evening with none other than Artillery, legendary thrash-metal band from Denmark.

Today the band is continuing to write songs for their upcoming album and play concerts, to meet the growing fanbase and have the time of their lives.

In the end, the entire struggle was worth it; for Clockwork Protocol time was not an obstacle, merely a rite of passage.

Source : www.clockworkprotocol.com