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Biografie : Aminion

Aminion was formed around September of '02 by Chad Watson and Jimmy Belford. Aminon started out as a metal band with death metal influence. As the band progressed, Aminon's sound turned into a mix of death metal, grindcore and just good ol' heavy metal. For a long time Aminon played live with only the 2 founding members, Chad and Jimmy, due to a constant rotation in bass players and second guitarists. The high turn over was due to lack of talent and/or dedication. In '03 Jeff Carter, who would eventually become the band's second lead guitarist and vocalist, joined the band as the bass player. With the black metal influence taking more of a toll on the band's songwriting, Jeff and Chad decided it was time to reinvent Aminion and make it 100% black metal. The band then picked up Derrick Martin on bass. Due to work, Derrick had to move and then was replaced by Jeff Neuman. In the summer of '05 Neuman quit the band. Finding a bass player was going to be hard, as it always was for Aminion. Due to the lack of local musicians who wanted to play, or could play, along with other issues, Aminon remained stagnant and unofficially disolved.Here is some more Aminion info..... Aminion had its fair share of accomplishments for a band out of Southern Illinois. In '04 Aminion was picked up by Brethren of War Records. Although an indie label, it provided Aminion with the credentials to get out of the local scene and into uncharted territory. Aminion released "The Embodiment of Blasphemy" EP. Shortly after, BOW records collapsed. Aminion was about to release their second cd, and the offer was made by Heavy Metal Holocaust to pick up Aminion. It wasnt too much longer until Aminion disbanded. "The Embodiment of Blasphemy" was mentioned in Metal Maniacs magazine as one of the best independent releases of '04...... On October 30, 2003, Aminion was allowed to dj at local rock station 105.1 TAO. Instead of playing normal, radio friendly MTV metal, Aminon played the likes of Dark Funeral, Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse, The Misfits, Slayer and Cephalic Carnage...... Aminion was banned from Herrin, Illinois' Teen Town..... Chad recieved everything short of a total death threat from the mother of a girl who frequently attended Aminion shows due their satanic website...... The original Aminion message board was shut down due to its violent content and promotion of hate. It was once believed that Aminon may have been being monitored online by some sort of authority........ Aminion discography includes "Shitty Four Track Demo", "HOw To Baptize A Whoer" EP, "The Embodiment of Blasphemy" EP, and a MISSING EP recorded by Derrick Martin. Derrick also recorded TEOB EP. He recorded both cds during visits home after he had moved. The only tracks ever recovered from the second recording were "I Deny Thee" and the new EP's hidden track. So there are songs recorded by the band that they havent even heard yet!

Source : www.myspace.com/aminion