Darem Aqrabawi

Name Darem Aqrabawi
Birth date 1990
Land Jordan
Stadt unbekannt

Binding Shade

There's nothing more ear-pleasing than harsh and accurate riffing, beautiful melodies combined to inventive harmonies and soothing transitions = unbelievable songs! I consider music as an expression of utter passion and hopefully I am able to deliver this to songs I create. That's at least my uppermost ambition. So basically most of my free time is spent with my computer and guitar exploring the fascinating aspects of music. Music gives solace to my life and I feel succeeded if I'm able to transmit this beyond myself to the ears of listeners.

Within last few years, music has affected almost everything in my life, and maybe that's why I have grown so deep into metal. It can be soothing and alleviate all kind of negative feelings like sorrow and depression, but at the same time it can be extremely energetic, violent and aggressive. Playing has been some kind of safety-net in my life: sometimes when life goes on like a roller coaster with rapid and dominating downhills it is therapeutic just to grab the guitar and not to worry. Sometimes you have to play little longer to work things out, but in the end they do, in a way or another.