This Corroded Soul of Mine

Liste der Bands Melodic Death Casketgarden This Corroded Soul of Mine
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Band Name Casketgarden
Album Name This Corroded Soul of Mine
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2003
Produced by Cserfalvi Zoltán
Recorded at Denevér Stúdió
Musik GenreMelodic Death
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen22


1. Human Corrosive Disease
2. I Witness
3. Grief 100%
4. Song of Tears (Ashes)
5. The Day When Silence Died
6. Immortality Inc.
7. Non-Existent
8. 7th Scar
9. Widow Mother Earth
10. Across the Vast Oceans of Time

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