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Band Name Nifelheim
Album Name Nifelheim
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 06 Juni 1994
Musik GenreThrash Black
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen55


Re-Issue in 2007 by Nuclear War Now Productions.
Re-Issue in 2009 by Regain Records with a bonustrack.
1. The Devastation 03:02
2. Black Curse 03:46
3. Unholy Death 02:06
4. Possessed by Evil 03:53
5. Sodomizer 05:03
6. Satanic Sacrifice 03:14
7. Storm of Satans Fire 04:35
8. Witchfuck 03:05
Bonustrack (Re-Issue)
9. Die in Fire (Bathory Cover)
Total playing time 28:48

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