I Love the Way they Scream when they Die

Liste der Bands Hardcore Brutal Juice I Love the Way they Scream when they Die
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Band Name Brutal Juice
Album Name I Love the Way they Scream when they Die
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1994
Musik GenreHardcore
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Lashings of the Ultra-Violent
2. Cannibal Holocaust
3. Humus Tahini
4. Hardcore and Wine
5. Galaxy
6. Doorman
7. Numbskull
8. Whorehouse of Screams
9. Cathy Rigby
10. Nation Wide
11. Waxing Gibbous
12. Black Moment of Panic
13. Punk Fuck
14. Pull the Plug

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Brutal Juice