This is a heavy metal album. I don't mean to upset the nu-generation of music fans in their off-the-rack alternative clothes, who could point out the genre sub-divisions into which
Break the Silence falls; but that's what it is, like Wheels Of Steel,
Ace Of Spades and British Steel (all of which came out and conquered the charts in the blessed year
1980.) Like those classic albums it is consistently catchy without being cheesy (okay British Steel is cheesy) but maintains a hard edge throughout.
A previous single release, Like I Care/You Leave Me
Dead, has a great sleeve and fairly irrelevant content.
Break the Silence has a disappointing sleeve and murderously important content. A primer 4 track CD, Kickin'
Off, contains some songs from the album, and announces the forthcoming album, You Had It Coming To Ya. I wish that the album had come out with that title as it is a great line from one of the songs that defines the group.
This album kicks the fuck out of you in your living room and then has the temerity to sit in your hi-fi, waiting for you to recover so it can do it again.
1) Neurotic.
Masterpiece. If
McQueen become a major attraction it will be on the back of merciless tunes like this.
2) Dirt.
I didn't get this one on first hearing, but it grew on me, especially through seeing live performances. Basically killer.
3) Running
Out Of Things To Say.
Catchy, but a weak choice for a single, considering the album it comes from.
Break the Silence.
Great vocal treatments help create an atmosphere on this song. Powerful and unrelenting.
5) Numb.
Sounds quite old-fashioned musically, but has a great vocal from
Leah Duors.
6) The Line Went
Quality bludgeon, again featuring memorable vocals.
7) Blinded.
Stunning mix, monster chorus, some lovely guitar touches, even better live. Headbanging excellence! Hayley Cramer's tasty drumming is highlighted on this song. Although she is frequently cited as the major musical talent in this band, I think her greatest talent is always knowing how much to put into each section of each song, making herself an integral part of a tight, single-minded unit. Billy Cobham plays drums on some of my favourite albums and on other albums he puts me to sleep, no individual makes a band.
Mixed metaphors aside this is pure class. If you go to see
McQueen live you will see the beautiful and talented Gina Collins, but this tune is a good reminder that the wonderful Sophie Taylor played bass on this album. All power to her.
9) Not For Sale.
The best song on a brilliant album. I find it difficult to have a conversation with male friends about this band without them latching on to the fact that
McQueen are all female, at which point they start grinning at me in a knowing way, as if I have been going to strip clubs. The band have obviously heard plenty of that sexist shit over the years and their musical reply is the most powerful tune of the lot, every instrument is urgent and punishing, and the vocals totally deliver. I have seen
Leah put hecklers in their place, and it is extremely refreshing.
10) (Don't Know How To) Break It To You.
I have listened to the album song by song to write my review, but this one doesn't do it for me. Having said that I consider
McQueen to be first and foremost a live act, and the band's impeccable onstage timing still makes this a potential riot inducer.
I made reference earlier to albums by
Saxon, Motorhead and
Judas Priest, all personal favourites of mine. None of those legendary bands had a debut anywhere near as good as
Break the Silence. To establish themselves
McQueen will have to deliver an even better follow up album. The exciting thing for me as a fan is knowing that they are more than capable of it.
Leah Duors fronts a band as well as
David Lee Roth or Steven Tyler, and she still has stories to tell and a soul to bare. I look forward to it.
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