Bloody Buccaneer, Face It

Liste der Bands Hard Rock Golden Earring Bloody Buccaneer, Face It
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Band Name Golden Earring
Album Name Bloody Buccaneer, Face It
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 19 November 2002
Musik GenreHard Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Making Love to Yourself
2. Temporary Madness
3. Going to the Run
4. Joe
5. Planet Blue
6. Bloody Buccaneers
7. One Shot Away from Paradise
8. When Love Turns to Pain
9. In a Bad Mood
10. Pourin' My Heart Out Again
1. Angel
2. Hold Me Now
3. Liquid Soul
4. Minute by Minute
5. Johnny Make Believe
6. Space Ship
7. Unforgettable Dream
8. I Can't Do Without Your Kiss
9. Freedom Don't Last Forever
10. Maximum Make-Up
11. Legalize Telepathy

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Golden Earring