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传记 : Heathen Deity

Heathen Deity formed in May 1999 by Vocalist Dagon, with the sole intention to create the true essence of English black metal and to also pay tribute to the masters of the genre that had inspired them over the years within the scene.

The band comprised of Dagon on vocal, Dace on guitar, Necrult on keyboards, Draethen on bass and Serene taking the drum stool, later followed by a second guitarist, Azrael former ex "13 Candles" lead guitarist, which enriched the harmony, thus the line up complete. The band continued to rehearse and write Black metal epics and music that stayed true to the sole intention of the gathering, but also not forgetting to pay homage to such bands as the mighty "Tormentor " and " Mayhem" by covering two of the genre's most recognised pieces," Elizabeth Bathori" and the classic "Deathcrush".

The band entered Bandwagon Studios in Mansfiels, England, to record their first demo, entitled "Whispers of the Unlight". This recording was the only one they did utilising keyboards, the band wasn't really happy with this recording and has not seen the light of day...

The following months the band performed at a hand full of venues within the UK, the band popularity grew and they made contact with such UK black metal acts as the mighty "Hecate Enthroned" which they played with on numerous occations.

Later fellow founder member Dace regretfully left the band to follow his own path and was replaced by friend of the band and follower of Heathen Deity, named Saemath, this was a great move as Saemath was a superior guitarist, giving the band an edge to persue the music they strived to make.

Further gigs and venues were later desecrated during the later months, performing as supporting acts for such bands as "Hecate Enthroned"and "Ackercoke" and also fellow UK underground acts "Solace Denied", "The Enchanted"and " Blood Stream" to mention but a few.

Heathen Deity needed new blood within its ranks due to Serene and Drethen having to depart company due to personal reasons. Thus fellow Black Metallers "Twisted Autumn Darkness" drummer Sathan and bassist Oskariot joined to add a further sinister influx of infernal hate and satanic idealism into the band. Now the band were more extreme then ever. Azrael and Dagon began to write tracks for a new realease. However Saemath had to leave due to familly commitments

The band after a busy rehersal schedual then entered Purple Studios in Norwich, England to record an e.p. to be called, "Walpugisacht, For The Glory Of Satan". This release comprised of tracks from the first demo and new tracks written Azrael and Dagon. This release recieved great acclaim in the press, being reviewed by many fanzines and Terrorizor magazine.
The band then set out accross the UK, with Balen on second guitar. Headlining a few shows they proved to their following they would not lie down and die. The band then played a great show at the London venue "Electrowerks" in support of "Hell Born" and "Reign of Erebus".

Later on in the year Sathan decided to leave the band and move to Norway to pursue his own personal path, and also at that time bassist Oskariot parted company with Heathen Deity for personal reasons, So the search started again for new blood.

Bringing us to Dec 05, Friend of the band T.XJort of Sheffield based Black Metal act “Forneus” joined the band on drums, adding much needed aggression and fresh ideas to the band.

Now in 2006 and more line up changes, Azrael made the decision to leave the fold due to family commitments. Now down to one guitarist Heathen brought in Leviathan of Harrogate Black Metal act “Written in Torment ” on the lead Guitar position.
With Dagon taking on the bass as well as vocals, Heathen Deity with a full stable line up started to rehearse once again to enter the studio in the New Year for the first full length album, and a full UK tour with the release of the album early 2007.

This was not to be however, 2008 saw guitarist Azrael and drummer Sathan return to the band. Now the stage is set to finally record the debut album...

Heathen Deity support the war against Christianity and all that is holy. They show their respect to the United Kingdom's underground Black Metal scene.

Source : Dagon and Azrael