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传记 : Fetus In Fetu

Fetus in Fetu was created around 2002, and marked a change in the line up + a more agressive approach to Death Metal.
In 2008 Michael Bekker joined the band as the new vocalist. For about 1 ½ year we had the same lineup until early 2010 where Dan “Due” Jensen decided to leave Fetus in Fetu.

Not many weeks passed before we had found a replacement; Astor Pallson. We already knew his skills from the local band Hatred Conspiracy where he is the guitarist. He was and still is a fast learner and added a more aggressive approach to the bass in our music. He also knows how to shake it up on stage and headbang like fuck!

2010 turned out to be a great year for Fetus in Fetu, despite the fact Due left the band, we began working together with Carsten Brogaard of Revolution Music and we hope this cooperation will last for the years to come.
In 2010 we played at the International Metal Festival; Aalborg Metal Festival.
We began the recording of our self-financed and self-recorded cd "Abnormal Disfigurement".
In 2011 a couple of changes in lineup led us to this current line-up: Michael Bekker: vocals, Astor Palsson: Lead Guitar, Johnni Knudsen: Guitar, Lasse Toft: Bass and Hatten: drums.
Our debut album "Abnormal Disfigurement" will be released through Casket Music the 30th of May 2011. Stay tuned for info on Danish and European tours.

Support the underground and death metal !!!!!
Fetus in Fetu

Source : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fetus-In-Fetu/7020677538